Call A&J Generator and Equipment for your generator repair and more. We even provide Westchester County, NY 24/7 emergency service for all our customers. Save our number in your phone in case of an emergency. (203) 828-6341.


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Generator Installation - Westchester

Our Westchester County generator installation service is the best in New York!

A&J Generator and Equipment, LLC gives you a customized & cost-effective system. Following a personalized assessment of your generator needs, our technicians will provide prompt installation to your residence. Our team will outline the entire installation process for you. We treat your home like ours!

Generator Repair - Westchester​

From White Plains to North Salem we keep Westchester County running.

You purchased your generator to keep your house powered in emergency situations, and we’ll repair it so it can be counted on once again. Don’t trust just anybody to handle your repairs. A&J has 25+ years of experience, and we know how to complete your job efficiently. No matter the generator brand, we can handle the repairs! Contact us today!

Generator Rental - Westchester​

Having a party off location? We can supply your event with a reliable power source.

We have your event covered! Our team understand that you may not know everything there is to know about generators. That’s why we can talk you through your exact needs and get you the generator that can do the job.


generator rentals

How Generator Rentals Can Power You Through Emergencies

By Alina Sabah | June 26, 2024

In times of crisis, having a reliable power source can be a game-changer for both families and businesses. Whether it’s a natural disaster, a prolonged power outage, or an unexpected emergency, generator rentals can play a crucial role in ensuring that you remain operational and safe. In this blog post, we’ll explore how incorporating generator…

backup generator

How Can An Industrial Generator Help Your Business? 

By Alina Sabah | May 15, 2024

A power outage can have a serious impact on your business. With increased strain on the electric grid due to the growing population and an aging infrastructure, we are bound to experience more power outages than ever. Power outages can also occur due to extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, and faulty equipment. So, to be…

standby generator

How To Spruce Up Your Standby Generator This Spring? 

By Alina Sabah | March 26, 2024

The arrival of spring not only means respite from the cold weather and fresh bloom everywhere; it also means spring cleaning. Spring cleaning and maintenance of all appliances including your standby generator is essential to ensure that they are in top working order. Now that Spring is in the air, there are some simple things…

Westchester County is the second-most populous county on the mainland of New York, after the Bronx, and the most populous county in the country north of New York City. According to the 2010 Census, the county had a population of 949,113, estimated to have increased to 967,612 by 2018. Located in the Hudson Valley, Westchester covers an area of 450 square miles (1,200 km2), comprising 25 cities, and 23 towns. Founded in 1683, Westchester was named after the town of Chester, England.

Everything about the area is beautiful including the day to day weather. Residents know that sometimes extreme weather can roll in leaving damage and no power in its wake. This vulnerability is why A&J Generator & Equipment serves Westchester County and its residents. Our generator repair and installations are perfect for homes that don’t want to make sure they can keep power throughout tough times.

Call A&J Generator and Equipment for your generator repair and more. We even provide 24/7 emergency service for all our customers. Save our number in your phone in case of an emergency. (203) 828-6341.